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Planning and Program Delivery Process

Planning Process - Program Delivery

Program Delivery

Once the NRO Work Plan receives final approval, the Program Delivery step in the NRO PPD Process is initiated.

NRO Program Kick-Off – The annual NRO Program is initiated with a series of Kick-Off Meetings. During Kick-Off Meetings:

  • The approved NRO Work Plan is presented to project and section managers and
  • Federal requirements and contracting / procurement options for each funded project are discussed.
Activity Initiator(s) / Actor(s)
  1. Schedule and facilitate Kick-Off meetings.
NRO Programming Staff
  1. Attend Kick-Off meetings
NRO Planning and Programming Staff / NRO Project Managers / NRO Management / NRO Contract Administrator
  1. Begin addressing outstanding federal requirements and determining ideal contracting/procurement approach
NRO Project Managers / NRO Management / NRO Contract Administrator
  1. Propose and facilitate funding reallocation during the fiscal year.
NRO Programming Staff

Project Initiation & Implementation – At this point projects are ready to be initiated and implemented. NRO projects initiated and implemented in accordance to federal and state requirements. Of particular note, the requirements of FHWA Rule 940 are specifically considered for all NRO ITS projects.

Project implementation is not considered complete until the project is officially closed out. Project close-out involves the compiling of pertinent fiscal and technical project documentation to demonstrate that all fiscal and technical project requirements have been satisfied. Project closeout documentation should (at minimum) include SE process documentation, an updated project Rule 940 Checklist, C-5 Form, and (if appropriate) as built drawings.

Activity Initiator(s) / Actor(s)
  1. Hold Project Initiation (or Kick-Off) Meeting
NRO Project Manager/NRO Management / NRO Contract Administrator / FHWA Rep / NRO Planning and Programming Staff
  1. Prepare detailed project scope
  2. Enter project into CEDAR and seek required environmental approvals
  3. Complete Rule 940 Checklist and seek FHWA approval for PE phase
NRO Project Manager / NRO Planning and Programming Staff
  1. Initiate and complete PE phase of the project
NRO Project Manager / NRO Planning and Programming Staff / NRO Contract Administrator
  1. Update Rule 940 Checklist and seek FHWA approval for CN phase
NRO Project Manager
  1. Initiate and complete CN phase of the project
NRO Project Manager / NRO Staff / NRO Contract Administrator
  1. Submit all project documentation to appropriate NRO Staff for project close-out. Submit C-5 Form and Rule 940 Checklist to close project in VDOT systems and request financial closeout.
NRO Project Manager / NRO Planning and Programming Staff

For additional detail of the Program Delivery step of the NRO Program Planning and Delivery Process dealing with Project Initiation and Project Implementation, click here.

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