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Welcome to the Northern Virginia ITS Architecture Version 3.2 – UPDATED February 2011!!!!

Northern Virginia Map

Welcome to the Northern Virginia (NV) ITS Architecture Website! This site is your tool for developing Project Architectures in compliance with the National ITS Architecture and FHWA Rule 940; for learning about the NV ITS Architecture and how it may apply to your efforts; or for simply learning more about the process and focus of a Regional ITS Architecture.

This site is sponsored by the Virginia Department of Transportation's Northern Region Operations (NRO), which is tasked with developing and maintaining an ITS Regional Architecture for Northern Virginia. Version 3.2 of the NV ITS Architecture reflects the on-going maintenance to which the VDOT NRO is committed to keep this ITS architecture current and applicable to ITS development in the region. Version 3.2 has been developed using the National ITS Architecture Version 6.1 and Turbo Architecture Version 5.0. In addition, Version 3.2 was updated in coordination with the NRO Strategic Plan and DRPT ITS Plan developments.

The VDOT Northern Region boundaries include the VDOT Northern Virginia District and the immediately adjacent part of the Fredericksburg District. Locally it includes 7 counties (Arlington, Fairfax, King George, Loudoun, Prince William, Spotsylvania, and Stafford), 6 cities and 14 towns.

Architecture Interface Scope

The architecture content was originally VDOT-centric in that it primarily contained interfaces that had a VDOT system on at least one end. The architecture definition has been expanded in Version 3.2 to include interfaces between non-VDOT systems including transit, emergency management, and information service providers. Additional changes to the architecture definition included new systems such as the VDOT NRO MPSTOC which features a new transportation management system, HOT Lanes systems which are now being deployed, and expanded interfaces with statewide systems such as 511 and VATraffic.

The primary benefit of these expansions as well as the use of the architecture in the planning of ITS in the region is to provide VDOT and non-VDOT organizations a functional framework from which to discuss, propose, plan, and develop the ITS solutions necessary to address the transportation problems in the region. The architecture provides a common starting point for all of these stakeholders so that ITS solutions are not developed in a vacuum but addressed in an environment of cooperation and regional consistency. The architecture helps stakeholders gain a better understanding of the interfaces between and among transportation systems in the region including VDOT as they plan their projects. This website and the tools and documents that are available from it, should be explored and considered as part of the planning and development of ITS in Northern Virginia.

For the Latest News regarding the Northern Virginia ITS Architecture, please visit the Latest News page.

Enjoy your visit to our site!

Disclaimer: This site is designed for transportation and other public agencies in the Northern Virginia region,
not for the general public's use. The official VDOT web site is located at