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Initiating, Developing, and Deploying an ITS Project

Project Initiation

This section provides detail and context for the Program Delivery step of the NRO PPD Process. More specifically, activities 24 - 31 are considered. At this point in the process, funds have been allocated to projects and the Systems Engineering process is used as the basis for the development of a detailed project scope. NRO has developed the Rule 940 Checklist

  1. to assist with the development of detailed ITS project scopes,
  2. to track project deployment,
  3. to facilitate stakeholder acceptance of project documentation, and
  4. to facilitate transition between systems engineering process steps.

Rule 940 Checklist – The Rule 940 Checklist walks the project manager through the requirements of Rule 940 for the development of a project using systems engineering. It is important to note that systems engineering is broader than the Rule 940 requirements. By following the systems engineering process, you are going to meet the requirements of Rule 940. Each step in the Rule 940 Checklist prompts the user for information that must be gathered to properly execute the project. By assembling the information in the checklist, the next step of executing the project and developing the system is made much more effective.

The Rule 940 Checklist will be a living document that is completed over a period of time as information is gathered, analysis is completed and the development of the system begins. It is not something that is filled out at one sitting. The checklist is a guide for project managers to determine what documents, steps, and analyses need to be developed over the life of the project. The checklist is broken down into 11 sections which were adapted from the federal guidance on using systems engineering for ITS projects. Most of the activities on the checklist are self-explanatory and will require minimal effort on the part of Project Managers.

VDOT NRO’s Planning Staff will initiate the checklist based on information already available to them in the project proposal, and then send the checklist to the project managers for completion. For projects utilizing no federal funds, it is recommended that a similar process be followed if the project is non-routine, that is, projects which involve new technology or integration with new systems. Examples of such projects include integration of computer-aided dispatch systems among various law enforcement agencies and with traffic management agencies, or setting up a video clearinghouse for regional traveler information.

VDOT NRO’s Project Managers will receive a partially completed checklist from the NRO Planning Staff. Information from the Project Proposals is used by NRO Planning Staff to complete sections 1 – 4 of the Rule 940 Checklist. Project Managers are responsible for completing the remaining sections. At this point, project managers have the option of indicating that the remaining sections of the Rule 940 checklist will be satisfied during the Preliminary Engineering (PE) or Construction Phases (CN) of the project.

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