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Planning and Program Delivery Process

Planning Process - Fiscal Programming

Fiscal Programming

The Fiscal Programming Phase is the third step in the PPD process. The intent of the Fiscal Programming Phase is to

  • prepare various funding needs packages based on the prioritized, candidate list of projects and programs,
  • request those responsible for, or capable of influencing, funding allocation decisions to consider providing or advocating for funding allocations to fund NRO’s package of needs, and
  • make a best-fit match between the allocations received and NRO’s prioritized list of candidate programs and projects.

In an input / output context, the Fiscal Programming Phase is the process that matches input from the Program Development Phase (NRO’s candidate list of prioritized projects and activities) to NRO’s Strategic Investment Program Plan (SIPP). The SIPP documents the PPD Process, identifies NRO’s Work Plan for the forthcoming fiscal year, details NRO’s Funding Plan for the forthcoming fiscal year, and tabulates NRO’s unmet funding needs.

Due to resource limitations, not all candidate ITS projects will be funded. Unfunded candidate ITS projects are placed in the Unfunded Project Pool and will be considered for funding as it becomes available. If funding is not available, the project will be considered during a future PPD cycle.

In an attempt to mitigate potential contracting issues, contracting/procurement options are considered for funded projects.

In an attempt to mitigate potential fiscal programming issues, it is verified that funded projects are included in the TIP/STIP.

Activity Initiator(s) / Actor(s)
  1. Identify funding sources and determine eligibility of prioritized projects to qualify for funding
  2. Prepare and submit funding requests
  3. Receive information on draft allocations
  4. Prepare draft NRO Work Plan
  5. Receive information on final allocations
  6. Finalize Work Plan and prepare SIPP
  7. Add unfunded candidate ITS projects to the Unfunded Project Pool
NRO Programming Staff
  1. Identify contracting/procurement options for funded ITS projects
NRO Contract Administrator
  1. Ensure all funded projects are included in the TIP/STIP and VDOT’s programming systems
NRO Programming Staff

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