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Northern Virginia ITS Architecture Version 3.0 Update

The Northern Virginia ITS Architecture has been updated to Version 3.0 and the website, supporting documentation and the Turbo Architecture database are available using the links in the left frame of this webpage. Updated features include:

  • Broadened architecture scope to include more than VDOT-centric interfaces
  • Incorporation of new VDOT MPSTOC system and associated interface updates
  • New Market Package graphics
  • Further integration with the NRO Planning and Program Delivery Process
  • Updated support tools such as Rule 940 Checklist, Operations Planning Guide, and NRO Strategic Plan

For a comprehensive listing of the changes included in Version 3.0, see 2009 Version 3.0 Changes under the Maintaining the Architecture link.

Virginia ITS Architectures

The original VDOT District-based ITS Architectures have been updated to support the current regional operations approach. VDOT operations are now organized around 5 operating regions. Architectures have been developed for each region by harmonizing the district based architectures that were already in existence. The Northern Virginia ITS Architecture is one of the 5 regional architectures. The other regional architectures are defined for the Eastern, Central, Southwestern, and Northwestern regions. In addition, VDOT has defined a Statewide ITS Architecture for the first time. The Virginia Statewide ITS Architecture includes statewide systems and their interfaces with other statewide and regional systems. All of these architectures can be found at

National ITS Architecture Version 6.1

Version 6.1 of the National ITS Architecture is now available. Updated features include:
  • Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII)
  • Universal Electronic Freight Management (UEFM)
  • Clarus
  • Integrated Corridor Management System (ICMS)
  • TMDD Standard
  • Transit
  • New Communications Layer information

For a detailed description of the National ITS Architecture's newest features click here.

Disclaimer: This site is designed for transportation and other public agencies in the Northern Virginia region,
not for the general public's use. The official VDOT web site is located at