VDOT Asset Management System - Inventory Element
Status: Existing
This system is an Integrated Maintenance Management Program/Asset Management. This system is used to coordinate maintenance and construction activities. This system covers all aspect of operations such as ICAS, IMMS, BMS, and VaTraffic. VDOT Statewide Asset Management System is a central database keeping track of maintenance status for major assets like bridges, tunnels, etc.
Stakeholder: VDOT Central Office
Systems Interconnected with VDOT Asset Management System
Information Flow Diagrams which include VDOT Asset Management System:
Information Flows to/from VDOT Asset Management System:
VDOT Asset Management System VDOT NRO MPSTOC - TOCNational ITS Architecture Subsystems mapped to VDOT Asset Management System:
- Asset Management Terminator
- Maintenance and Construction Administrative Systems Terminator
- Maintenance and Construction Management Subsystem
National ITS Architecture Market Packages associated with VDOT Asset Management System:
- AD1 - ITS Data Mart -- (Graphic)
- ATIS01 - Broadcast Traveler Information -- Graphic 1 2
- ATIS02 - Interactive Traveler Information -- (Graphic)
- ATMS08 - Traffic Incident Management System -- Graphic 1 2 3 4
- ATMS21 - Roadway Closure Management -- (Graphic)
- EM06 - Wide-Area Alert -- (Graphic)
- EM07 - Early Warning System -- Graphic 1 2
- EM08 - Disaster Response and Recovery -- Graphic 1 2 3
- EM09 - Evacuation and Reentry Management -- Graphic 1 2 3
National ITS Architecture Functional Requirements associated with VDOT Asset Management System:
- none