281 7772400 10058400 259 261 257 276 262 279 1 0`````````````````````` 5 1 0 285 282 1 False 0 0 0 0 -1 304800 243 True 128 77 255 3175 3175 70 True True True True True 278 134217728 1 21 -9999996.000000 -9999996.000000 8 Empty 16711680 52479 26367 13421772 16737792 13382502 16777215 Bluebird 22860000 22860000 (`@````````` 266 263 5 110185200 110185200

281 7772400 10058400 259 261 257 276 262 279 1 0`````````````````````` 5 1 0 285 282 1 False 0 0 0 0 -1 304800 243 True 128 77 255 3175 3175 70 True True True True True 278 134217728 1 22 -9999996.000000 -9999996.000000 8 Empty 16711680 52479 26367 13421772 16737792 13382502 16777215 Bluebird 22860000 22860000 (`@````````` 266 263 5 110185200 110185200

Plantation Villas


40 High Point Road F-103

281 7772400 10058400 259 261 257 276 262 279 1 0`````````````````````` 5 1 0 285 282 1 False 0 0 0 0 -1 304800 243 True 128 77 255 3175 3175 70 True True True True True 278 134217728 1 13 -9999996.000000 -9999996.000000 8 Empty 16711680 52479 26367 13421772 16737792 13382502 16777215 Bluebird

Perfect Keys condo! Great value on this ground level 1 bedroom 1 bath in Plantation Key. Small compound with only 54 units. Great pool & clubhouse. Perfect start  to the Keys. Close to shopping, dining, government center, court house and Founders Park with boat ramp, beach playground and more.






Your Neighborhood Real Estate Professional  
Terry (Teresa) Canto
Hablo Espaņol


305-394-3037 or toll free 1-888-546-8959

Email: terrycanto@bellsouth.net

 Website: www.floridakeysrealestate.cc